
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Wild Flower Garden - Yours to

To design a wild flower garden, you do not need to be a
specialist or an artist, you just need to be observant and
let your creative juices flow. Fine more information at

Look around you, what is unique about your
surroundings? Do you wish to enhance or compliment
these things. Will your new wild flower garden be visible
from the house, if so, perhaps you would like to plant
your favorite colors so every day is a feast for your
eyes. Are you seeking a quiet spot to sit awhile and
relax, then your new garden can have a stone bench
surrounded by tall plants to create a sense of peace and
privacy. As I said, whatever style of wild flower garden
you want, it can be yours. You can make this a reality if
you plan the work, and work the plan.

To ensure that you end up with a garden design that you
will love you need to take account of

Your own personality, your likes and dislikes
The purpose you want your garden to serve
Growing conditions unique to your area
Amount of time you can devote to maintenance
These are quick and easy decisions to make, the same
ones you would need to make when designing any type
of garden, however failing to plan is like planning to fail.

If you decide to go for a small wild flower garden, then
using pencil and paper to create your design is fine. If
you have a large area, you may find it is a good idea to
use a software program to create your plan. For a large
area you need more precise measurements for
hardscaping, sheds, fences etc. Planting large areas can
be quite expensive so you want to be sure your overall
plan looks good before you start buying plants. Seeing it
all on a detailed blueprint will save you time and money
by helping you avoid mistakes.

Whether your new garden is big or small it should blend
with your home, your homesite and ideally with your
neighborhood. Your choice of wild flower garden will
most likely be inspired by the region you live in e.g. from
a cottage garden in cooler regions to a tropical garden in
hotter climes.

I find that the planning stage of the process to be hugely
enjoyable. You can let your imagination run wild, but
eventually you must fit your ideas into your available
time and budget. So let your imagination run riot, plan
your dream garden and then start refining.

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