
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Fragrance and Flowers

The scent of your arrangement is as important as the color or form. Rose arrangements are the best way to make sure you are getting the most sent. Roses are the most scented flower. Although there are some roses that have little or no scent at all they can still be used with other types of roses that offer a wonderful array of fragrances. The early flowering roses are usually scentless but you can mix them with Lilies of the Valley and that should more than make up for it.

Some of the best aromatic roses are the Rosa Banksias that is from Italy and France. It has the scent of a violet. These roses come in a yellow cream color. Some of the best fragranced roses are the old roses like the Damasks and the hybrid musks or the sweet rugosas which is a china tea rose.

Most of the new hybrids are being produced with the looks of the old fashioned rose and have great flowers and superb scents. This is a great and wonderful change from several years of roses that were produced in the hybrid tea shapes which had no aroma at all.

Some of the greatest accent perfume flowers to use with the rose are irises and lilies and even the tobacco plant after it flowers. There is also the sweet pea that can scent the whole room on a small bunch.

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