
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Chrysanthemum

The Chrysanthemum creates brilliant flowers in almost every color except blue. The Chrysanthemum is the national flower of Japan and is a very hardy perennial though a bit more delicate as annuals. The major colors for the perennials are beautiful fall shades. This is very fitting because the Chrysanthemum flowers in the fall. The cut flower industry creates spray Chrysanthemums all year round. The spray type Chrysanthemums have many flower heads that look like pompoms, similar to the daisies. These Chrysanthemums come in colors that range from green, yellow, orange, red, purple, and white. Some varieties of Chrysanthemums, known as the spider has petals that are very fine and others have quelled petals. In the fall the larger flowered varieties are popular and can grow to over eight inches in diameter and are produced by disbudding stems. This leaves only the main top flowers to grow and expand.

The annual Chrysanthemums come from the Mediterranean countries and look more like a single daisy. These varieties come in vivid yellows, reds, pinks, and white. These varieties are called Leucanthemum. The larger flowering hardy perennials have been renamed the Dendranthemas. Chrysanthemums are a wonderful fresh flower for arrangements because they last such a long time even after being cut, especially the spray variety, which can last for up to two weeks as a cut flower.

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